In this Article


1. Introduction
2. Coconut Oil Prevents Hair Fall
3. Coconut Oil Helps Maintain the pH Balance
4. Coconut Oil Repairs Damaged Hair
5. Coconut Oil Protects Hair from Dust and Pollution
6. It Nourishes Hair Follicles
7. Coconut Oil Boosts New Hair Growth
8. It Makes Your Hair Silky
9. It Relaxes the Mind and Prevents Premature Greying
10. It Prevents Dandruff
11. It Revitalizes Hair
12. Enhancing the Effects of Coconut Oil
13. An All-in-One Hair Oil – ByGrandma

Coconut oil has several benefits for treatment of hair.Now, every Indian child grows up enjoying the pleasure of a scalp massage or champi. This a weekly ritual in almost all homes and a tradition passed down from one generation to the next. There are innumerable benefits to a scalp massage. It nourishes the hair, boosts blood circulation to the scalp, revives dormant hair follicles and even destresses the mind. When you think of a scalp massage, the oil that comes to mind is the humble coconut oil.There are innumerous benefits of coconut oil which is listed below.

Check out our Herbal Hair Oil


Coconut oil or magic oil as many households call, it is the most common type of hair oils used across India. Possessing extremely versatile properties, it is used externally and internally for healthy cooking and for improving the overall quality of skin and hair. Extracted from dried coconuts, this was probably one of the first plant oils to be used by humans.
Coconut oil is believed to be the best oil to use for your hair. The chemical structure of coconut oil is one of the reasons for the many benefits attributed to it. Coconut oil is made up of fatty acids and is full of antioxidants; especially Vit E. lt is a very rich source of Lauric acid which has antimicrobial properties and helps the oil retain long shelf life. This also gives coconut oil an elongated straight structure, which makes it easier to penetrate through the scalp. The oil can be easily absorbed into the hair shafts. It is very rich in vitamins and minerals and has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Here is a closer look at the top 10 benefits of massaging your scalp with coconut oil. 


1.Coconut Oil Prevents Hair Fall 

The quality of your hair is influenced by the genes you inherit from your parents as well as how you take care of it. If you do not have the genes that trigger hair fall but are still seeing your hair fall excessively, a coconut massage may be the answer you need. Rich in vitamins and minerals, it is absorbed directly by the hair follicles and strengthens the hair from deep within. Protein deficiency is another common reason for hair fall. In such cases, coconut oil replenishes the lost protein. 

Massaging the scalp with coconut oil can also improve blood circulation. The antioxidants present in coconut oil also help delay the onset of hair greying and can also reverse it in some cases.

2.Coconut Oil Helps Maintain the pH Balance

If you’ve been using shampoos that are formulated with chemicals, every time you wash your hair, you could be making the scalp’s natural pH balance increase or decrease. This makes your hair dry and frizzy. 

A massage with Coconut oil works wonders on frizzy hair. This oil does not evaporate quickly and creates a protective layer over the scalp and hair follicles. This hydrates the scalp and hair. In addition, the fatty acids in the coconut oil restore the natural pH levels.

3.Coconut Oil Repairs Damaged Hair

Your scalp is very sensitive and prone to infections. These infections can affect the quality of your hair and the way it grows. Coconut oil has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that fight against these scalp infections.  In addition, it conditions the scalp, hydrates hair follicles, and prevents loss of proteins to treat damaged hair. Coconut oil can be used as a deep conditioning treatment as well. 

Coconut oil also has antibacterial properties that fight lice infections and attacks. The oil penetrates deep into the hair and repels lice.

4.Coconut Oil Protects Hair from Dust and Pollution

Every time you step outdoors, you expose your hair to dust and pollution. The dust, soot, and gases can increase your risk of scalp infections and make your hair drier. Coconut oil is rich in vitamins and antioxidants that can fight against the effects of pollution. It forms a protective layer over the hair follicles and scalp. 

In this way, it reduces the impact pollution can have on your hair. Coconut oil is safe enough to be used every day. 

5.It Nourishes Hair Follicles

Coconut oil is composed mostly of saturated fats. Half of this content is lauric acid. It also contains myristic acid, caprylic acid, and palmitic acid. It also contains a small amount of iron and small amounts of Vitamin E and K. 

The oil has the ability to penetrate deep into the scalp and when it does so, the nutritional value is maximised and absorbed by the scalp and the hair roots.

6.Coconut Oil Boosts New Hair Growth

A build-up of dirt and dust on the scalp or scalp infections can often be the reason why new hair follicles aren’t growing. Coconut oil has a cleansing effect on the scalp and thus opens up pores allowing new hair follicles to grow. It also nourishes the roots of hair follicles with essential vitamins and antioxidants. This strengthens the roots and promotes healthy growth. 
In this way, a regular coconut oil massage can help your hair grow longer and thicker.

7.It Makes Your Hair Silky

A Coconut oil massage makes the hair smoother, shinier and adds luster by preventing split ends, reducing breakage and treating frizziness with deep nourishment. It also smoothens rough hair. 

With its triglycerides, coconut oil keeps the moisture content of each hair follicle intact and leaves hair smooth and silky. It can also help replace lost proteins and conditions the hair.

8.It Relaxes the Mind and Prevents Premature Greying

Stress is not directly connected to the quality of your hair but has an indirect effect on hair fall and premature greying. This is because stress affects the melanocytes ability to produce melanin. Melanin is the element responsible for hair color. Massaging coconut oil into your scalp doesn’t just improve blood circulation to the scalp but also calms the mind and destresses it.Apart from this ,it also has a cooling effect on the head. Thus, by destressing the mind, an oil massage helps prevent premature greying.

9.It Prevents Dandruff

Dandruff causes the development of dry, white flakes on the scalp. This can be very irritating and make the scalp itchy. Coconut oil provides immediate relief as it contains fatty acids, Vitamin E and Vitamin K. 

These nutrients treat dandruff and also help keep the scalp clean. It also acts as a deep conditioner to hydrate the scalp and prevent dandruff. The oil’s antifungal and antibacterial properties play an important role in preventing infection as well.

10.It Revitalizes Hair

Coconut oil is abundant in fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. This revives the scalp, stimulates the growth of hair follicles. Dust, dirt, and pollutants that settle around the roots of hair follicles often obstruct hair growth. Coconut oil helps cleanse the scalps and remove this dust and dirt. It also repairs hair as it mimics sebum, which is the natural substance produced by the hair to replenish itself. This also makes it a natural conditioner. On the whole, it revitalizes the hair from inside and outside.

Enhancing the Effects of Coconut Oil

Oils for use on hair can be categorized as carrier oils and essential oils. Carrier oils are used to dilute essential oils to enable them to enter the skin. These are mainly vegetable oils derived from nuts, seeds or kernels. Carrier oils have a faint smell or are odorless and they do not evaporate. 
Coconut oil acts as a very effective carrier oil. Its ability to penetrate deep into the scalp allows the scalp to absorb the benefits of different essential oils. This oil does not get rancid and is a very stable oil. Thus, it does not affect the properties of the herbs and essential oils added to it. 
To enhance the benefits or effects of a coconut oil massage, you could add onion juice, garlic juice, lavender extract or castor oil. You can also boil neem leaves in this oil, cool the mixture and apply it to your hair. Coconut oil is used in a number of similar home remedies to improve hair quality.

An All-in-One Hair Oil  – ByGrandma 

Recognizing the many benefits of this oil, ByGrandma Herbal Hair Oil uses coconut oil as its base. In addition, it contains a number of other essential oils and herbal extracts including Tea tree oil, Castor oil, Sesame oil,  Lavender oil, Henna extract, Amla extract, Hibiscus flower extract, Bhringraj extract, Neem extract, Curry leaves extract, Basil extract, and Khus grass.

Each of these essential oils and extracts enhances the effects of coconut oil and bring their own therapeutic advantages with them. Castor oil is known for its ability to help hair grow faster and to add volume to hair. Amla has antiseptic properties that protect the scalp and hair from a number of infections. Henna helps melanocytes in their production of melanin and thus helps preserve natural hair color. It also conditions the hair. Hibiscus flower extract and Bhringraj find themselves mentioned in a number of Ayurvedic texts as natural ways to prevent premature greying and whitening of hair. The Khus grass complements the coconut oil’s calming properties and helps cool and destress the mind.
Thus, the ByGrandma Hair oil is an all in one solution to improve the quality of your hair. ByGrandma hair oil is commercially available but maintains the goodness of homemade hair oils. It is manufactured in small batches to maximize the therapeutic value of these ingredients and uses no preservatives or synthetic fragrances. Thus, it has a negligible risk of triggering allergic reactions and can be safely used by men and women of all ages. 
ByGrandma Hair oil is available departmental stores across a number of metro cities in India and online on various eCommerce websites. It is also available on the ByGrandma website. So, what are you waiting for – order the ByGrandma Herbal Hair Oil today.

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