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Making food choices for your 7 month baby is stressing you out? We like to see you happy. Here’s an easy option to prepare your baby’s personalised nutritional food chart.
Is your super little tot getting the best of the foods or he is hungry even after a feed? Your Seven-month-old baby requires solid food that will fill their stomach. This is that time when your baby will start developing his/her own personality. A good diet is extremely important as this is the transitional age where they have some ability!
You must be knowing that much of the changes in routine happens for the baby by the time they reach seven months. Do you know when is the time to feed your baby solid food? That’s when you baby starts reaching for food from your plate! Don’t worry if they don’t have teeth yet. They can still consume solid food.
Your baby needs to be introduced to the various textures and flavors of food. Until your baby reaches the age of one, he/she needs to get used to a wide range of foods because that will help him/her to get acquainted with a good eating habit. Else, you are on the verge of making them fussy or choosy eaters as they grow.
A 7 month old baby can only take a small feed and hence it is always better to offer only one or two spoons of the food. As a parent, you should be waiting for two days or more before introducing the next food so that you can check if your child has developed any kind of allergy.
1. Quit Breastfeeding? Think Thrice. Because Your Baby loves it!
2. Since your baby is on 7th month, he/she can be introduced to 3 meals-a-day plan. Yes! Your baby should be having Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. Also, make sure, there is a fixed time. Example Breakfast at 9 am, Lunch at 1 pm and Dinner at 5 pm.
3. Coming over to quantity, it should be roughly the size of your baby’s fist. And if you go by the terms of a liter, then around 90 ml to 100 ml.
4. Make sure the baby is being fed into a sitting position and not in sleeping position.
5. Before giving any food, make sure to sterilize all the utensils that are being used for baby. The immunity of a baby is very weak. So, it’s better to have a separate set of utensils for your baby.
6. The consistency of the baby food should be a little thick and should stay on the spoon without spilling off.
7. Salt and Sugar is strict NO for the baby till he/she turns 1 year old.
8. Steaming is a healthier option than pressure cooking.
9. Never introduce more than 1 food at a time. Stick to the schedule and routine.
So, let’s have a look at the structured food chart for babies designed by your very own Grandma! After all, who knows your baby better than a grandma??
Here is our mouth-watering list of ideas you can try it for a 7 months baby food:
1. Pressure Cooker
2. Sterilizer
3. Blender or Mixer Grinder
4. Potato Masher/Fruit Puree Maker
5. Baby High Chair
6. Feeding Bowls and Spoons
The above-mentioned details will get updated on regular basis.
So, take care of your 7-month old baby. Make sure your baby is fed properly. Babies should eat healthily, play healthy and sleep healthy!
Happy Upbringing
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